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Fifine Ampligame H6 - Microphone does not work in Ubuntu

04.04.2024 0 comments » Views: 4

Fifine AmpliGame H6

Few days ago I ordered new headset with USB connection, to avoid noises that I had with the regular headset. I decided to switch to USB as in my understanding this will help to separate the sound decoder from the things that can be the reason (eg power cable, videocard, etc). Based on reviews on YouTube and good feedback on Amazon I choose Fifine Ampligame H6..

Fifine AmpliGame H6

Fifine AmpliGame H6

Today I received my order and tested it. In Windows 10 everything was Ok, but in Ubuntu (my main OS) I had a problem with microphone. The system recognized it, but didn't record sound. I spent couple of hours trying to fix the issue with the couple of tools like a Alsamixer and Pulseaudio Volume Control, but without luck. Then I checked few complicated solutions that I found on stackoverflow, but it also didn't help.

Finaly, I found post on one of the forums, one user of this forum said that he faced something similar with his headset (not Fifine). He tried a lot of recipes but solution was very simple - he just changed the port from USB 2.0 to USB 3.0. I did the same, and sound appeared on my microphone right after I changed the port.

USB 2.0 vs USB 3.0

USB 2.0 vs USB 3.0

I have no idea, why this problem appears only in Ubuntu, but in case you face something similar, just try to switch headset the USB 3.0 port. Maybe it will fix your problem as well.

PS. The headset sounds normal (nothing special, no wow effect), but the mic works great - noises disappeared.


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